Lord kwabir is the creator of whole nature and universe.

Lord kwabir is the creator of whole nature and universe.

Absolute divine  Lord Kabir is beyond birth and death.Neither he takes birth from mother's womb nor Absolute divine  Lord Kabir is beyond birth and death.Neither he takes birth from mother's womb nor he dies. Lord Kabir is enthroned in the immortal world (Satlok), where death does not take place and the body is immortal .The absolute divine god appears himself to sustain faith in worship of devotees.
 According to Holy Vedas
Lord kwabir is the creator of whole nature and universe.
Lord Kabir can save lives and can increase the life span of his devotees. Rigved Mandal 10 ,Sukt 161, Mantra 2 and Mandal 9, Sukt 80 ,Mantra 2 says- Absolute divine God can increase life span and can destroy any incurable disease.
According to Holy Quran Sharif,
Lord Kabir created the nature.
The giver of Quran Sharif is saying to Hazrat Mohammad that," Kabir is Allahu Akbar who created the nature in 6 days and enthroned in immortal world on the 7th day."
Proof in Quran Surah-
Al Furqan 25 Aayat 52 - 59 explain that
Lord Kabir created nature in 6 days.It is also proved in Bible Genesis 1:26 - 2:3 that Lord Kabir created the nature in 6 days and rested on the 7th day, *he created humans according to his form.

Creator of while Universe -
There is an evidence in Atharvaved Case 4, translation 1, Mantra 7 that God Kabir has created the nature -
Real companion of the devotees, bearer of lawful seekers to immortal world, creator of whole universe is KAVIRDEV who do not betray like KAAL.
Only Lord Kabir can save the earth as he is it's creator and defender.
Absolute divine Lord Kabir is indestructible Lord Kabir is enthroned in the immortal world (Satlok), where death does not take place and the body is immortal .The absolute divine god appears himself to sustain faith in worship of devotees.
 According to Holy Vedas
Lord kabir is the creator of whole nature and universe.
Lord Kabir can save lives and can increase the life span of his devotees. Rigved Mandal 10 ,Sukt 161, Mantra 2 and Mandal 9, Sukt 80 ,Mantra 2 says- Absolute divine God can increase life span and can destroy any incurable disease.
According to Holy Quran Sharif,
Lord Kabir created the nature.
The giver of Quran Sharif is saying to Hazrat Mohammad that," Kabir is Allahu Akbar who created the nature in 6 days and enthroned in immortal world on the 7th day."
Proof in Quran Surah-
Al Furqan 25 Aayat 52 - 59 explain that
Lord Kabir created nature in 6 days.It is also proved in Bible Genesis 1:26 - 2:3 that Lord Kabir created the nature in 6 days and rested on the 7th day, *he created humans according to his form.

Creator of while Universe -
There is an evidence in Atharvaved Case 4, translation 1, Mantra 7 that God Kabir has created the nature -
Real companion of the devotees, bearer of lawful seekers to immortal world, creator of whole universe is KAVIRDEV who do not betray like KAAL.
Only Lord Kabir can save the earth as he is it's creator and defender.
Absolute divine Lord Kabir is indestructible


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